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New Media & Citizen Journalism

Due: Monday October 22, 2012 on the blog

Write a 500 word blog post that answers the following questions. Please answer all sections!

PART I: What is your community? 

A. Describe your community or communities. Are they geographic? Social? Based on interests? Background? Religion? Age? Race? Sexual orientation? Tell us about the communities you are a part of.

B. Now you are the citizen journalist reporting on your community. What are some of the important issues, challenges, and experiences of your community or communities?

PART 2: Community Reporting proposal 

Write a short proposal of what you plan to do for the first Community Reporting assignment. Look at the details of the assignment HERE.

Be sure to tell us:

  • What is your idea?
  • What medium will you use?
  • What is your timetable for getting it done?
  • What is your goal? Why did you chose this?